Unlocking the Power of Google's BERT Algorithm in Paid Media Campaigns

BERT claims that every output is connected to every input. This implies a dynamic connection that evaluates the weighting of each input to output. This is relevant to the BERT algorithm that Google utilizes for paid media campaigns: Google can now link keywords to find an accurate search query. 

The BERT algorithm plays a key role in Google's search feature. This new algorithm helps Google dive deep into the context of search queries. It uncovers their 'hidden' meaning. BERT uses natural language processing to find and group keywords, which helps it understand what users want to find. 

The BERT algorithm also affects paid media campaigns. Google now understands that all related words in a search query are grouped to form a comprehensive thought or message. Before this, Google ignored certain words in a query, which often altered the meaning or led to a misinterpretation.

BERT provides more natural results. They mimic the real human language and phrases people use daily. Thus, paid search results are more accurate than ever. 

Businesses must realize that now, more than ever, it is crucial to tailor landing pages, platforms, and home pages to specific keywords. Auditing results for insights into your target market is key. It shows the most popular searches and helps in creating effective ad campaigns. 

Feeling confused? Don’t worry - elk Marketing is here to help you leverage advanced algorithms to meet your business's unique needs.

Our expertise increases conversions and ad relevance, retains customers, boosts revenue, and provides a higher return on ad spend. Utilizing clear methods, our world-class services are 100% tailored to your specific needs. We can target a specific audience and get your business noticed by the people you care about. 

Understanding BERT: A Deep Dive

What is BERT? BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unless you're a tech genius, you probably have no idea what this means. Essentially, these terms relate to AI-language models that provide better context and elaboration around a person’s search query. 

BERT helps Google understand what a search is really asking about. In the past, Google used to understand search queries word by word. It was unable to determine if the keywords relate to one another. Now, BERT analyzes the entire sentence or search phrase to decipher context clues and understand the deeper meaning. 

BERT not only clarifies sentences but enhances natural language understanding. Google can now understand the context behind searches, providing better results to users. Moreover, BERT helps businesses focus on customer intent. It finds simple answers to common questions, making them easy to find. 

Why is BERT so much better than previous algorithms? There are a few key differences that set this new technology apart from the prior methods:

  1. Algorithm Change - Businesses must target searches with long-tail keywords or three or more words. This allows marketers to create detailed content that can answer complex searches. 
  2. Deeper Understanding — BERT grasps the subtext behind long-tail keywords and longer searches. Marketers now need to concentrate on detailed and topic-rich content rather than keyword stuffing. 
  3. Stop Words — Unlike previous algorithms, such as RankBrain, BERT considers ‘stop’ words in a sentence, including ‘to’ or ‘for’. This provides context to the importance of a subject in a search phrase. 

The Impact of BERT on Paid Media Campaigns

Since its start, BERT has had a direct influence on ad relevance and search results. The BERT Relevance Report can determine the most insightful and relatable landing page to use for a specific ad group. 

In addition, BERT identifies the specific searches from users that triggered many ad groups or landing pages. By identifying which keywords led to the best results, businesses can then add negative keywords to specify the desired landing page for a search query. 

Due to BERT, there have been changes in keyword matching and targeting. The BERT algorithm considers both earlier and later keywords. It provides businesses with the highest level of control over their ads. Now, BERT in Google Ads prevents misspelled search terms from sliding by. BERT is responsible for displaying the correct result to the user. 

Also, context and intent are very important in ad copy and targeting. Contextual advertising provides a better user experience by showing ads relevant to the searched subject. 

Strategies to Leverage BERT for Paid Media Success

Digital marketing commerce online sale concept, Promotion of products or services through digital channels search engine, social media, email, website, Digital Marketing Strategies and Goals.

At first, BERT might seem confusing. However, businesses can use search advertising to make the Google BERT update work for them. Understanding how BERT affects your marketing strategies is key to long-lasting success. 

Crafting High-Quality, Contextual Ad Copy

The best tip for creating high-quality ad copy is to focus on your user. Write for the desired target market as if a real person were reading your content. Then, structure your content in a logical way that is easy to follow and understand. Optimize your content for voice searches. Use question words, long-tail keywords, and short sentences. 

Some examples of effective ad copy are as follows:

  • Liquid Death: "Proudly not for everyone." This ad says the drink company is choosy with its clients. But it's proud of its product. It takes pride in being rough, over-the-top, and against the grain. 
  • Spotify has recently started compiling "Your Top Songs from a Given Year." These songs appear on your Playlists in the Library section of your music. Paired with cute catchphrases that bring back nostalgia, they make listeners feel like they are understood. 

Optimizing Keyword Research & Selection

So, what keywords do you choose to match user intent? You can use a few tools and techniques for advanced keyword research:

  • Understanding Semantics — Understanding the phrases and words that people use with search engines, such as keywords and their variations, helps businesses provide the most relevant answers to users’ questions. A semantic analysis generates keywords based on trending topics and keywords. 
  • Keyword Ranking — A second tool for optimizing keyword research is determining your keyword difficulty based on the competition and current authoritative websites. Focus on your selection by focusing on the keywords most likely to generate leads to your webpage. 
  • Keyword Gap Analysis — A keyword gap analysis using tools, such as SEMrush, can help you identify unique keywords that you are not yet utilizing, but your competitors have success with. 
  • Clustering—The last technique to consider for keyword research is keyword clustering. This technique involves grouping similar keywords into categories based on their relevance. Many businesses use tools like TextOptimizer to cluster keywords based on similarities and volume. 

Enhancing Ad Targeting with User Intent

Businesses can align ads with nuanced user intent. Using predictive analytics, companies can understand potential customer behaviors and searches, allowing them to adjust their content based on user intent. Targeting content and answers related to their target market’s keyword searches can enhance campaigns. 

Some case studies demonstrating successful intent-based targeting include the following:

  • B2B Client — A study by the Journal of Business and Artificial Intelligence determined that human expertise is critical to monitoring AI models, curating data, and refining AI messages. So, experts like elk Marketing can improve ad targeting with user intent. They do this by identifying leads, tailoring outreach messages, and reducing human resource costs. 
  • B2B Marketers—A study surveyed B2B marketers from the United States and the United Kingdom. Almost 100% of them use intent data and 80% use strategies that have been in place for more than two years. 

Utilizing Data & Analytics for Continuous Improvement

It is significant to use data and analytics to comprehend BERT’s impact. Businesses can customize the BERT model with their specific domains and domain-specific data. Exposing BERT to specific domain text enables it to learn the optimization patterns during specialized tasks. 

Some specific tools and methods for analyzing and optimizing ad performance include:

  • Assess Metrics—Analyze metrics such as impressions, click-through rates, and engagement to understand the ad's reach and engagement. 
  • Conversion Metrics — Users can check conversion metrics, such as conversion rate and cost per acquisition, to understand the effectiveness of each advertisement.
  • ROAs — Analyze ROAs to see if the ads are cost-effective and smart. 
  • Customer analytics enable businesses to examine the customer journey. They can see how an ad affects a searcher’s behavior across its lifecycle. 

How elk Marketing Can Help

Two colleagues shake hands during a business meeting

Many businesses struggle to create effective ad copy and content strategies on their own. This is where the experts come in handy. elk Marketing has dozens of years of expertise specifically to help your business succeed. 

Expert Insights & Strategy Development

Do you need to build a foolproof strategy to use keywords properly? You may need to optimize your content and include long-tail keywords in your webpage. If so, elk Marketing is here to assist.

We have reputable expertise in utilizing BERT for paid media. We focus on relevant non-brand keywords to get them ranked in the top three positions. Furthermore, we rank keywords with strong past performances to select the most effective ones for your campaign. 

Not only do we focus on keywords, but we can also customize strategies to leverage BERT for specific business goals. We develop a strategic campaign, compile onsite optimization and UX optimizations, and develop a successful content mapping plan. 

Advanced Keyword & Content Optimization

elk Marketing conducts advanced keyword research and ad copy optimization. SEO strategists analyze batches of keyword data. Strategists measure current keyword rankings, competitor information, popular keywords, and other metrics. They use this data to make the final keyword list. Then, we cross-reference the keyword list with priority URLs. 

Don’t believe us? Check this out. Our Growth Method led to a 157% increase in organic sessions, creating 20,700+ top-three keyword searches for Arcteryx, a globally recognized outdoor clothing brand. 

Continuous Monitoring & Adaptation

We don’t give you the tools and say ‘good luck’. elk Marketing monitors and adjusts our marketing efforts. We do this based on the performance of each ad and campaign. We make sure that your marketing money goes to effective copy and products to get the most bang for your buck. 

elk Marketing ensures our campaigns are effective by utilizing studied and evolving algorithms. We use targeted backlinking to keep track of content mapping and development data. 


Understanding and using the BERT algorithm is key. SEO and keyword tweaks bring your target audience to your homepage. elk Marketing can help you maximize BERT's potential in paid media. We include evergreen and relevant copy that is helpful to their audience on their web pages. 

Need help? Partner with elk Marketing for expert help. Contact us today to collaborate with our best-in-class team of strategists, creators, content developers, and designers.

